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Disapproval as security experts reject dismissal of BNI boss

Security experts have expressed their utmost dissatisfaction with government’s decision to remove the director of Bureau of National Investi...

Security experts have expressed their utmost dissatisfaction with government’s decision to remove the director of Bureau of National Investigations (BNI), citing security concerns.

Rashid Seidu Inusah is suspected to have been sacked following a lack of coordination between his outfit and the Criminal Investigations Department of police, which led to a publication in a pro-government newspaper last week about the supposed rescue of three kidnapped girls from Takoradi.
A fraud and security consultant Richard Kumadoe joined a couple of security experts who have registered their displeasure about the manner in which the nation’s investigations bureau head was dismissed.
He argued in an interview with Winston Amoah on 3FM’s Sunrise morning show, Thursday, that the BNI was a “sensitive institution” and issues surrounding it should be treated with caution.
We are saying the president can hire and fire at will, but, we need a little stability at the very top of your intelligent organization. When it happens so, it affects morale, it creates ineffectiveness, and efficiency will be thrown to the dogs. Strategic planning will be affected. Longevity is what is needed at the very top,” he said.
For instance, Dr. Aning, Director, Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research at the Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Centre (KAIPC), is reported to have raised concerns that the manner in which Mr. Seidu Inusah was relieved of his position could send wrong signals to his subordinates.
Mr. Richard Kumadoe seems to toe this line of argument when he remarked that even though the president, according to the Securities and Intelligence Act 526 that sets up the BNI, has the powers to “hire and fire” a director of the BNI, there was the need for longevity and consistency.
He explained that it wasn’t good for the nation’s security to have two successive directors of the investigative body kicked out in a spate of two and half years.

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