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S/R: Two arrested over Lukula conflict

Two suspects have been arrested in the Savannah region following the death of two persons in the Lukula conflict last Saturday.
According to the Northern regional Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), DSP Mohammed Yussif Tanko, a collaboration between the Savannah and Upper East police commands led to the arrest of suspects Abdul Rauf and Amidu Fuseini suspected to have murdered the two persons.
The two fled to Sandema in the Upper East region following police effort to have them arrested to assist in the murder of Alidu Yakubu, 37, who sustained machete wounds on the head and Amadu Yakubu, 40, who was shot in the rips.
The Suspects are expected to be brought to Damongo today as part of investigations.
The clash, which occurred Thursday night, lasted for about 45 minutes residents say. Kasapa News sources indicate that Gonjas in the community wanted to construct a mosque but the Mamprusis resisted their decision.
The resistance by the Mamprusis resulted in a misunderstanding between the two groups leading to the killing of the two.
One other person is in critical condition and currently admitted to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Lukuli and its environs according to DSP Tanko are quiet following a deployment of police and military personnel in the community and surrounding areas.

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