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Angry Customers Nearly Teared A Ghanaian Pastor Into Parts

As a matter of fact, most pastors in our generation are wisely of taking undue advantage of their members and other people as well.

People have still turn death ears and blind eyes to all issues arising in most churches.

In a recent video, where a Ghanaian pastor was seen giving his bath water to members of the church which  attracted the attention of the world could not be discussed for another one to set in.

This Ghanaian pastor, whose name is hidden for security reasons, was nearly lunched by angry customers who allegedly have their funds locked.

The pastor allegedly lured them to invest in two of his businesses; “EL Real Estate and Tikowrie Capital”.

These angry customers, after observing the pastor leaving his luxurious life whiles their monies are locked left them nothing than to “tear the pastor into parts as their shares”


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