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Aggrieved Menzgold Customers Storm NAM 1’s Residence to Demand For Their Monies

It was reported just a day ago that tne customers of Menzgold have started a fresh push up to retrieve their locked up monies.

Today, quite number of people who believed to be customers of menzgold were croweded at the Menzgold headquarters who aggressively shouting and claiming to get their locked monies back before they returning to their homes.

During an interview with one of the angry cutomers by, she explained that the rumour of ‘payment plan’ publicized was flux, but rather consolation which caught the eye of the public.

In December 27, 2019, where it was broadcast that first butch of the customers according to the company’s payment plan have been paid and also issued a statement to the public which as;

“The bank accounts freeze, assets preservation and more importantly, huge sum of debts owed Menzgold overseas not yet recovered, but we’re committed to providing payment service with speed in the weeks ahead, as we endeavor to overcome these impediments in the interest of all customers, Stakeholders and for the good people of our dear republic.”

Following the weeks ahead as was stated, has pushed these aggrieved customers to storm the headquarters since nothing has heard till now while their still awaiting for their locked monies.


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