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‘Akufo-Addo’s success is my wife’s prayer topic every morning’ – Hassan Ayariga

“My wife prays for Akufo-Addo every morning, she prays that God gives the President wisdom to rule the country. At such moments, she is not praying for my political opponent but for the president because whether I like it or not he is the President,” These were the exact words of bankroller and founder of All peoples Congress (APC) Hassan Ayariga  in an interview on Metro TV.

Answering whether it was okay for pastors to pray for the President, Mr. Ayariga answered in the affirmative, saying that it was necessary because the President is the head of the country and his spirit controls the country.

He revealed that even his personal wife prays for the President.  
“Pastors shouldn’t be praying for NDC or NPP to win, that’s a wrong way of praying. They should pray for a leader of the nation irrespective of the political party such individuals may come from,” he said.
Mr. Ayariga’s comments are in relation to the penchant of some men of God to pray for specific political parties as well as giving prophecies concerning their victories in general elections.

“They should not pray for NDC or NPP; calling them to pray for them is not necessary. They shouldn’t use the podium for partisan politics,” he added.

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