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Becca to Quit Music at 35 To Handle Other Business

One sensation female musician in the Highlife genre over the decade Ghana ever had known in the industry as “Becca” has declared her staying out of the industry coming ending of this year.

This highlife artiste has recording hit tracks and also doing good music in the industry.

She is one of the female musicians who has been consistent over the decade in both national and international needs to be recognized.

The When the artiste was ask in an interview about her plans in this decade, she addressed fans and people by touching 3 of her plans in this year 2020.

First is to end her 13 years as a ‘RECORDING’ artist by the end of 2020.

Next is to focus on her several investments.

Last to talk of is, spending more time with her family.

She also added, as a professional, you need to know when to start and when to let go.

And to her, she will be making substantive investment in a worthy and talented 
artist the curtains are drawn.

But between now and the next 12 months, OMG it’s going to be smash hits and after smash hits. #Blessed.

For now expect hit tracks from her.

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