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I’m Not Fading Anytime Soon- MzVee

Former Lynx entertainment signee MzVee has assured her fans that she will be dropping more hit songs this year.
MzVee in an interview with Class FM stated that her carrer will not come to a halt because she left Lynx entertainment. She has rather assured her fans that she will keep the fire burning.
She stated…..
“Lynx entertainment is made up of a team of people who have specific roles, and they do it so well and they are all hard working if the artist is not sleeping, they are also not sleeping. It’s the same with the team I have now, they are super hard working, and they love what they do. If I’m sleeping, they are not sleeping”
She further added that she doesn’t know what mentality the artists left behind but she’s rest assured she has the talent and the right team who love and think they will definitely go a long way.

“when I was out of scene, people kept telling me to come back. We are missing you. It was overwhelming. These text messages tells me there’s no way I’m going to start and stop”.

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