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MzVee Reveals Her Marital Status As Single And Searching

Songstress MzVee has said in an exclusive interview on Peace FM’s “Entertainment Review, that she is "single and searching."

The “Natural Girl” hitmaker who went on a two-year break from music is back for good and now she is confessing that all this while was lying about her relationship status.

I intentionally lied about my relationship and private life because I didn’t want the media to probe further, for now, I’m single and searching,” she said.

Earlier the musician born Vera Hamenoo-Kpeda had sadly recounted how she lost her boyfriend when she got depressed.

She indicated that she didn’t want to talk about her depression because of what Ghanaians will say about her saying; 

I didn’t understand what I was going through and I was actually scared to come out to say this because I knew there will be very ignorant people who will sit behind their phones and say she’s exaggerating. They are the reason why I was scared to come out but my mum said Vera, just say it, what exactly were you going to tell people to explain why you were away, so I did”.

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