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Stop Telling Me To Lose Weight-Teni To Fans

Award winning Nigerian Songwriter Teniola Apata popularly known as Teni has issued out warning to her fans for asking her to lose weight.

It’s nothing new in the African countries when such utterances areade to people. African citizens mostly attribute rare sickness to chubby people which is ubsurd. Most people too also ask others to put on weight especially when they are slender and they also mount pressure on others to lose some weight. But Teni has brushed off such utterances from her fans.

According to her,she loves her weight and cannot do anything about it. She further added that she likes eating fried rice which may be a contributor to her weight gain bit has no plans of ceasing to eat that too. She finally teased her fans to go advised their mothers rather than advising her.

In a Twitter post, she wrote…..

“stop asking me when I’ll lose weight, I don’t know. I like fried rice too much. Worry about your mom’s jamming thighs”

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