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Extend The Ban- Stonebowy Tells VGMA

The sensation Ghanaian dance hall act and CEO of Burniton Music Group, Stonebwoy says he wants his ban from the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA) to be extended as long as possible.
Speaking at a press conference, at the Golden Tulip Hotel, Stonebwoy disclosed that he will love his ban to be extended for three more years to serve as a deterrent to everyone especially the young artist.

“The young ones must know that you can’t just misbehave on an awards stage and go free. Such punishments are good to check musicians. The ban has not affected me in any way but it’s all good for the music industry,” he said.
Two dance hall artists Stonebwoy and Shatta Wale were banned indefinitely from the VGMA after they got involved in a violent fight on stage.
In a meet the press, Stonebowy explained that he and Shatta Wale have reconciled.
“We have grown from boys to men and that is what you are seeing. We regret sometimes the decision we took in the past but as things are now, we are cool,” he said.
He also hinted of a collaboration with Shatta Wale. “Our mission will not be complete if we don’t do a collaboration. At the right time Ghanaians will know what the two of us are doing. The collaboration has to be beautifully done so that Ghanaians can enjoy it,” he said.

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