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Nigerian Rapper, Vector, To Launche An Attack On Christians Who Shout At Church

Rapper and Songwriter, Olanrewaju Ogunmefun a.k.a Vector The Viper has ridiculed people who shout on top of their voices at church just to get Gods’ attention.

The rapper took to social media to describe such people as selfish since they want their prayers to be heard answered first by the almighty God, leaving others to suffer.
The rapper chastised such people through a tweet which says:

Why the hell do people shout in church believing God would hear them more. If anything, it shows how selfish we are cos the volume increases mostly cos the individual vuvuzela wants “God” to answer him/her first. That! My brethren, isn’t Christian. That’s competition.

773 people are talking about this

A section of people were not in agreement with his tweet. Here are some replies from twitter users.

Why the hell do people shout in church believing God would hear them more. If anything, it shows how selfish we are cos the volume increases mostly cos the individual vuvuzela wants “God” to answer him/her first. That! My brethren, isn’t Christian. That’s competition.

Why the hell do people shout in church believing God would hear them more. If anything, it shows how selfish we are cos the volume increases mostly cos the individual vuvuzela wants “God” to answer him/her first. That! My brethren, isn’t Christian. That’s competition.

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