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Suspected armed robber Beat To Death; Upper West Region

The Upper West Regional Police Command has confirmed the lynching of a suspected armed robber in a small community called Saihei, near Duu in the Wa West District of the Upper West Region.

According to news release signed by Inspector Gideon Ohene Boateng, Public Affairs Officer(PRO) of the Police Service in the region,  the suspected robber was attacked and killed on Saturday February 8 at about 11:30pm by members of Saihei community after he had fallen off from a motorbike in an attempt to escape arrest by the community members who had mounted road blocks after being  tipped his activities.

The suspected robbers (the deceased and his accomplices) wielding a gun and a cutlass had successfully robbed traders between Funsi and Helemboi and were escaping with their booty through Saihei community when they noticed that roadblocks had been mounted to apprehend them.
In an attempt to escape, the deceased fell off the motorbike with which they were escaping and was promptly lynched. The other escaped and is still at large.
The body has been deposed at the Wa Regional Hospital  awaiting identification and collection.
Meanwhile the police service is appealing to all to be restraint when they arrest suspected criminals. The Police service wants that the suspects be brought to them for the appropriate action to be taken.

Details of news release below:

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