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Two Children Burnt Into Ashes At Donaso In Ashanti Region

Two children, a boy and a girl whose names are withheld for some reasons got burnt yesterday evening at Donaso, a town in Ejisu Municipal, Ashanti region.

This unfortunate incident happened around 6:30pm.

An eyewitness accounted the incident to, as; The children were asleep when the mother locked the door to go and prepare food and bring it to the children.

We were smelling something which was unpleasant and could not be determined where it was coming from. Lately, we saw fire coming inside the room in which the children were in. With a blink of an eye, there was an explosion, we couln’t bear to stand around and run away.

No one heared the cries of these children before the Fire Sevice Personnels came in for their rescue, they had already burnt into ashes.

The children were a girl, 3 years old and a boy 2 years old.

The bodies are conveyed to Mortuary at Ejisu for authopsy.

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