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(WATCH VIDEO): Man Disgraced Girlfriend At Restaurant For Turning Down His Proposal

A video available to us was seen a man who angrily disgraced a lady happened to be his girlfriend according to reports, by taking everything she has bought for the lady at the moment including food he bought.

Well, the young man whose identity is not yet discovered, had an intention to surprise the lady in question by taking this short episode to public specifically a restaurant  as being done by most men to strengthen the bond.

As it was time time for the initiation by the man, as usual went down on his knees, humbly asked the girlfriend to accept his proposal to be his forever and ever wife.

In the video, it was heard at background from the available as well as workers at the restaurant saying; ‘say yes…say yes…wow’, all these couldn’t serve as anything to the lady for a minute or two but finally said “NO”.

The response, angered the young to take everything bought for the girl which to the surprise of the surrounding people, was the food the girl was eating which the man took it along and left.

The question now is, was the man right to take everything giving to the girl as his proposal was turned down?

Let’s here your thoughts on this…….

Watch video;

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