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CORONAVIRUS: Alex Song Among Nine FC Sion Players Sacked Following Swiss League Suspension

Former Arsenal players Alex Song and Johan Djourou are among nine players sacked by FC Sion after the Swiss league was suspended indefinitely by the coronavirus pandemic.
Dismissals also include club captain Xavier Kouassi, former Fulham midfielder Pajtim Kasami, Ermir Lenjani, Seydou Doumbia, Mickael Facchinetti, Christian Zock and Birama Ndoye.
The players had refused to sign an agreement for a wage cut during the indefinite suspension of the Swiss top flight.
The Swiss league was stopped on March 1 after the government banned gatherings of more than 1000 people.
Report from their league table, Sion are eighth in the 10-team Swiss Super League and only four points clear of the relegation zone with 13 games left to play.

CREDIT: SkySports

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