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Coronavirus Update: New York Moves Tax Day, Presidential Election Dates

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday he is moving the dates on the presidential primary election and Tax Day in other to avoid gathering people in one place and further the spread of COVID-19 infections.

The April 28 elections for New York’s primary presidential election will instead be held on June 23 with other legislative, while the former April 15 tax deadline has been extended for filings until July 15.

“I don’t think it’s wise to be bringing a lot of people to one location to vote,” he said. “A lot of people touching one doorknob, a lot of people touching one pen, would have your clothing device on the balance.”

“This is good news for individuals for businesses. You don’t have to find your state tax return you file it with the federal tax return on July 15. It’s bad news for the state of New York. On a parochial level. That means we receive no revenue coming in until July 15.

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