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I’m Not Bald, I’m Always Spotted With Santo Because of Showbiz – King Promise Tells

Unlike footballers, ARTISTES all across the world have something that makes them conspicuous from others and stands out their brand. 

This can be in the clothes they wear, a signature line in their songs or even hairstyle.

For Afropop artiste, King Promise, his clean shaven look is his way of making his brand easily identifiable.

When asked in an interview with Abeiku Santana whether he’s bald, King Promise said,

” “Yeah, this hair style is my brand, it is what makes me, so I will keep it plus my team are ok with me having this hair, it’s like, it has come to stay you know. It’s not like i have a bald head, i have hair paa, this my Santo is just for Showbiz.”

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