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UN Suspends Staffers Caught Having Sex In Official UN Vehicle

Two staff members of the UN “United Nations” have been given suspension following a leaked video on Friday which captured these men engaging in sexual misconduct in a Vehicle that belongs to the UN in Tel Aviv.
The news on their suspension was declared by the spokesperson of UN on Thursday to The Times of Israel after thorough investigations made provided evidence against them.
In the video that went viral on social media, a lady dressed in are attire was seen bestriding over one staff at the back seat whereas the other accused was asleep in the passenger’s seat of the official vehicle with the UN boldly written on it.

“two male international staff members who were in the UN vehicle in Tel Aviv, have been identified as having engaged in misconduct, including the conduct of a sexual nature.
“Given the seriousness of the allegations of failing to observe the standards of conduct expected of international civil servants, the two staff members have been placed on Administrative Leave Without Pay, pending the results and conclusion of the ongoing OIOS investigation,”

said Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

During their investigations, it was revealed that the two staffers involved in sexual misconduct are members of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) from Jerusalem, which has organized a program to create awareness campaigns regarding the organization’s code of conduct in response to the incident.
 “We are shocked and deeply disturbed by what is seen on the video.
“The behavior seen in it is abhorrent and goes against everything that we stand for and have been working to achieve in terms of fighting misconduct by UN staff.”
She added

Strict regulations regarding sexual misconduct have been maintained by the UN in recent years and so workers who fall, victim, are being punished accordingly.
A report by the UN confirmed 175 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by staffers in 2019; 16 claims were substantiated, 15 were found to be unsubstantiated, and the rest were under investigation.

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