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Ghanaian U.S Based Pastor Who Shot His Wife To Death Likely To Face A Death Penalty (Full Details)



The U.S based Ghanaian pastor who became popular on the Ghanaian internet after he murdered his wife in cold blood is likely to face a death penalty or spend 145 years in jail, reports.

The leader and founder and general overseer of Flood Gates of Heaven; Pastor Sylvester Ofori who shot his wife seven times to death is likely to face the brutal law of Florida on murder.

Florida Law states that First Degree Murder is a Capital Offense and only has two possible sentences:

·         Death, or

·         Life without the possibility of parole.

Apparently, Pastor Ofori would face either one of the two.

Gleaned Information we at have also dismissed claims that averred that Pastor Sylvester Ofori reported himself to the police after killing the 27-year-old wife.

New reports suggest that the SWAT team stormed Pastor Sylvester Ofori and late Barbara Tammey’s apartment on Raleigh Street to apprehend the cleric.


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