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JUST IN: The Emergency Meeting Between The 12 Super League Clubs Is Over ( Check Out The Outcome)



The meeting between the 12 Super League clubs is over. FC Barcelona and Atletico Madrid have decided to STAY in the Super League, Manchester City have left, and Chelsea still have doubts.

Manchester City is the ONLY club to leave the Super League. Everyone else is still committed, although Chelsea are having some doubts about the project.

During tonight's Super League meeting, Chelsea have NOT confirmed to the other clubs that they're leaving. They only expressed some doubts about the project.

The emergency Super League meeting is over. Barcelona and Atlético Madrid are still part of the project. [partidazocope]

Atletico Madrid and Barcelona are still committed to Super League project after meeting between 12 clubs tonight. Manchester City only club to confirm exit. #Chelsea have doubts but no confirmation yet.

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