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Sugar Daddy Allegedly D!Es In A Marathon S.£X With KNUST Female Student ; Details Emerge



Netizens have taken to Twitter to form opinions about the latest news coming from one of the Ghanaian University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

News Coming in , but not confirmed, is that Sugar Daddy, name withheld, has died flat during long S£x with his side-chick who happens to be a student of KNUST.

According to Reports on the microblogging Platform, Twitter , apparently, the Sugar Daddy stormed the university with well-taken V!agere to chop the lady to the brim, but, however,d!Ed in the process.


The death of the unknown man has received massive trolls and reactions on social media, specifically, Twitter.

Some of the alleged students also expressed their opinions on the alleged incident.

Your trusted news hub,, is still following the issue, we shall update you on the happenings.

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