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I regret taking a photo with Akufo-Addo- Yvonne Nelson

Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson has shared that she regrets taking a photo with H.E. Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo after his victory in the 2016 elections.

According to Yvonne, who spearheaded the “Dumsor Must Stop” vigil in 2015 to protest the energy crisis amongst others, the change in power in 2016 brought hope because Akufo-Addo was sold to be “incorruptible,” and would be an antidote to “corruption.”

“A year later, the opposition NPP and its candidate won the 2016 election. The power crisis and its effects were a major sin of the incumbent National Democratic Congress (NDC). Dumsor had resulted in job losses and dealt a deadly blow to the small-scale enterprises that depended on electricity but could not afford alternative sources of power. Even though the NDC administration resolved the crises at a huge cost and through shady procurement deals, the victims of dumsor, corruption, and mismanagement could not forgive the party at the presidential and parliamentary polls,” she writes.

This hope for a change encouraged Yvonne to visit the president-elect, Akufo-Addo alongside some of her friends to extend their congratulatory wishes. Yvonne was captured in a photo with Akufo-Addo during her visit, and she regrets taking that photo terribly.

“The NPP, led by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, won massively in both the presidential and parliamentary elections. Some friends and I went to congratulate the president-elect, Nana Akufo-Addo, with whom we took a photograph. It is a photograph I regret taking,” Yvonne laments.

Yvonne added that Akufo-Addo has turned out to be a “monumental disappointment.”

“He was said to be incorruptible, and Ghanaians thought he was going to be the antidote to mass stealing at the highest level, which is euphemized as corruption. Unfortunately for Ghana and those who trusted in him, he has turned out to be a monumental disappointment whose government’s unbridled borrowing, corruption, and reckless spending plunged the nation into economic dumsor,” she writes.


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