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OccupyJulorbiHouse: Aren’t you not ashamed? – Imani VEEP asks Akufo-Addo

Vice President of the think tank Imani Centre for Policy and Education (Imani Africa) Selorm Branttie has criticized President Nana Akufo-Addo for failing to address Ghana’s challenges as President suppressing demonstrations even with his own history as a person who demonstrated against Governments in the 70s and 90s.

Mr. Branttie recalled how Ghanaians could demonstrate freely under the Presidency of John Mahama but are now unable to do so willingly under President Akufo-Addo.

His remarks come in the wake of the arrest and brutalization of protesters as they gathered Thursday morning in Accra to embark on a protest over bad governance dubbed OccupyJulorbiHouse.

“We did this in broad daylight and went to the jubilee house. We even presented petitions. We talked to the press, police commanders, and all.

Today, even these, we can’t do it.

Yet instead of leading your people with the best and brightest to solve our problems, you are finding ways to take pensioners’ monies, beg for reparations from the slave trade, build open gravel pits in the name of false piety, and enable a corrupt judiciary and weaponizing a bunch of thugs disguised as policemen and officers of the peace.

Yet your claim to fame was rallying protests in the 70s and 90s.

Are you not ashamed?” He quizzed.

Scores of demonstrators, organized by Democracy Hub, were swiftly rounded up by officers of the Ghana Police Service for merely gathering to protest. The police accused them of acting unlawfully and violating the Public Order Act.

However prominent legal practitioners have argued that the police had no legal basis for arresting them. The police said that they stopped the demonstration because they had filed an application for an injunction against the demonstrators, which they had served on the lawyers of the demonstrators.

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