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FLASHBACK: We didn’t send you to parliament to fight for wee legalization - Kumbungu Youth to MP

The looming defeat of Member of Parliament (MP) for Kumbungu Constituency, Ras Mubarak started as far back as October last year following a rift between him and youth groups of the party. reproduces the full text one of the stories carried on October 31, 2018, that suggested he had lost favour with the people and was bound to lose.

The Member of Parliament(MP) for Kumbungu Constituency in the Northern Region, Ras Mubarak has incurred the wrath of youth in the constituency over unsavory Facebook remarks about people from the area.

A Facebook of the MP which reads “May God cure our Kumbungu constituency of ignorance. Someone sits in constituency office and thinks MP’s shouldn’t be interacting with branch executives, laughably ignorant’.

But a group calling itself the Concerned Youth of Kumbungu Constituency is asking the former Reggae presenter to apologise for his comments since he did not specify which category of people his ignorant comments were a target at.

Finding faults in his hailing Canada for legalizing Marijuana the youth had this to say in their release copied to “Again, we strongly take exception to the MP’s statement on Facebook recently congratulating Canada for legalizing the use of cannabis (Marijuana) and described as “significant legacy by Prime Minister Trudeau”.

We note with great concern that, the Hon. Member is entitled to his opinion but again we wish to remind him that he is representing the people of Kumbungu in Ghana’s Parliament. We hold Kumbungu in high esteem hence the need to protecting it name and legacy. We do not want the name “Kumbungu” to be associated with anything that is deemed illegal in Ghana”

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