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Ignore NDC’s rants, EC justified in compiling new voters’ register – JOY

An independent presidential candidate in the 2012 and 2016 elections, Joseph Osei Yeboah also known as JOY has declared his support for the compilation of a new voters’ register by the Electoral Commission of Ghana(EC), arguing that the current register presents practical challenges in terms of verifying voters among others.

In a press release copied to, followed by explained that, Joseph Osei Yeboah (JOY) noted that the current fingerprint data/Biometric Template is such that the EC can only verify the identity of voters using finger prints with only the software or hardware of the vendor, STL.

‘Unarguably the key reason for the need for the new BVR is because the current fingerprint data/ Biometric Template is stored in a format which cannot be recovered to the original fingerprints images of voters. This means that the EC cannot process the fingerprint data in any other hardware or software apart from that of the old vendor, STL.
 The data is therefore useless without STL software or hardware,” he noted in a press release yesterday.
JOY added that the head of the Electoral Commission deserves support and commendation for her boldness and resolve to compile a new voters’ register which will enable the EC to be able to manage its own data at lower costs.
“Jean Mensah deserves applause for the forward-thinking vision to undertake this new BVR exercise. This will enable fingerprint data captured to be saved in a format that can be easily accessed and converted to an internationally accepted format known as Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ). This format can enable the fingerprint image meet Personal Identification Verification (PIV) worldwide standard.
The New BVR will give the EC competitive edge in negotiations for the services of vendors and more importantly her own IT personnel to undertake maintenance at comparatively lower cost to the nation,” he explained.
He then pointed out that the opposition by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and other parties is due to perceived presidential influence for the compilation of the new voters’ register.
“The NDC and other political parties are apprehensive not because they believe the EC is not capable of organising this new registration. But because of the seemingly undue influence the Presidency has on the EC.
A recent example is when the Presidency is perceived to have clandestinely influenced the EC to withhold the release of a report on the inspection of Political Party offices,” JOY alleged in his release.

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