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Muntaka Mubarak & Deputy Ahmed Ibrahim, Responding To Treatment After Car Crash

Two Ghanaian opposition lawmakers are responding to treatment after their vehicles got involved in an accident Saturday morning.


Minority Chief Whip and Asawase MP Muntaka Mubarak and his deputy, Hon Ahmed Ibrahim; who doubles as MP for Banda were travelling to Sunyani from Ghana’s capital, Accra for a funeral when their SUV got involved in an accident at about 9 am.

The incident reportedly happened at Kubease, near Konongo in the Ashanti Region, reports say.


It still remains unclear, the number of occupants in the said vehicle but reports say the MPs’ security details were part of the occupants in the vehicle.

Local website reported however that an immigration vehicle made U-turn on the Konongo highway, and in the MPs driver’s bid to avoid running into the vehicle, they veered off the road and entered the bush.

The MPs and their entourage, were rushed to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi for treatment, local media reported.

“It is with a grateful heart that I wish to inform all well-wishers that the two honourable members of Parliament are fine and responding to treatment”, a Deputy Communication Director of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Eric Agyei wrote on Facebook.

The two legislators have since been discharged.

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