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The mother of Yvonne Nelson rushed to the hospital over high BP

Information we are picking has it that the mother of actress Yvonne Nelson has been rushed to the hospital over high BP.

Yvonne’s mother known as Madam Magaret Gaddy according to the information from a family member was rushed to the nearest hospital after her BP soar higher.

The family member however failed to share more details on why she all of a sudden had high BP.

This was shared by the gossip page Mari Gyata.

See the screenshot of the post below:

Madam Magaret following the release of Yvonne Nelson’s book has been bashed by many accusing her of being a bad mother due to her inability to tell Yvonne Nelson who is her real father.

According to Yvonne Nelson in her memoir the man she has known and hated as her dad Mr Nelson wasn’t her real father and when she confronted her mother about it, she mentioned the name of Peter Ala Adjetey who is a former Speaker of Parliament as her father.

But DNA conducted on her and the children of the late Speaker of Parliament later proved that she was in no way related to them which meant her mum had lied to her again.

Yvonne in her memoir also stated that the relationship between herself and her mother hasn’t been the best lately.

We hope Madam Magaret’s high BP has no connection with the book and all the allegations levelled against her.

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