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WR: Residents of Bonsukrom terrified by emergency landing of military helicopter in the town (VIDEO)

Residents of Bonsukrom in the Western Region say they are terrified by the emergency landing of a helicopter they witnessed in the afternoon of March 19.

According to some eyewitnesses the situation could have been worse if the pilot was not that experienced.

One of the eyewitnesses who later joined in the rescuing of the passengers on board the helicopter believes the pilot had attempted to land on a pitch, but saw some kids playing and veered off into a nearby bush.

The passengers have since been conveyed to the Air Force Base medical reception station for further assessment.

The area has since been cordoned off, with some police, military and fire personnel at the scene.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Armed Forces has confirmed that a Ghana Air Force Helicopter with registration number GHF 696 at about 1230 hours on Tuesday 19 March 2024 made an emergency landing within the general areas of Bonsukrom near Agona Nkwanta in the Western Region.

The GAF said “The helicopter which had on board 21 passengers made up of staff of the Ghana National Gas Company and aircrew were conducting routine offshore powerline inspection of the Atuabo gas plant when the incident occurred.

All passengers on board have been accounted for and there were no fatalities,” a press release dated March 19 said.

The release noted that the passengers “have been evacuated and are currently undergoing routine medical checkup. Meanwhile, preliminary assessments have commenced to ascertain the cause of the incident.”


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