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Thick tall men have small organs, feel it before you marry – A female pastor advices

A Lady Rev. Dr. Nana Yaa Prempeh, the leader of the Authority Bible Church, has delivered a cautionary message to women, warning them not to be swayed by the outward appearance of men.

In a recent interview with state-owned GTV, she emphasized that some thick and tall men may have disappointing pęnisęs, leading to marital discord.

"I want to caution the women who believe that a thick, tall man automatically implies he possesses an enjoyable and robust pęnis. I've encountered men who fit this description physically, but what lies beneath is small and underwhęlming. If a woman judges a man solely based on his physique and later discovers his inadequacy in the będroom, it can lead to disâstrous consēquēncēs," Lady Rev. Dr. Nana Yaa Prempeh remarked.

She recounted instances where women have fled during their honeymoon due to such disappointments. Dr. Nana Yaa Prempeh asserted that women need to inspect and assess a man's pēnis before marriage to avoid future hēartbrēak.

However, she clarified that her advice does not advocate for premarital sęx. Instead, she urged women to find alternative methods to examine their potential partner's m@nhood discreetly.

"I am not advocating for prēmârital sēx. It's about making informed decisions to prevent divorcē. Why marry someone and then realize you're unsatisfied, leading to divorcē?" she explained.

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